Fine Dining in
Northern France
Le Nord & Pas de Calais
Welcome to these information pages about Northern France, also known as the departments 59 and 62, respectively "NORD" and "PAS DE CALAIS". This site has no commercial intentions and is not sponsored. The author lives in Belgium near the French border and wants to share his experiences with the French neighbours on these pages.
All the restaurants and shops reviewed, are located within a 100 mile radius of the Chunnel and ferry terminals at Calais. Well suited for British who are on holiday abroad, or just cross the Channel shopping for cheap booze and fags ;-)
Since France is world famous for its gastronomy, most of the information on these pages is about restaurants and retailers where you can go for a mine meal, or where you can buy local products. In most reviews you'll also find some information about the city or region.
All restaurants and retailers mentioned were visited by me personally, so you'll find only first-hand information. Of course, this also means the reviews were written from my personal taste. If you don't like tiny deep-fried fish (complete with head and fins), will not share my vision of the "delicious friture d' éperlans"...
Although tastes may differ, all the reviewed restaurants and shops are well worth visiting and all offer excellent value for money. Where possible, I made a reference to the website of the establishment and we always mention the address, and sometimes a phone number if no Internet site is available.
Although a GPS is a nice tool for finding the shortest route, it is often more fun to buy a good map and to plan your itinerary. See also the item "Travel Tips" in the right column.
Please make a selection from the right hand side column, under the name "INDEX". And if you are a fan of the northern French cuisine, then bookmark this page, the reviews will continue to grow, allowing money and time to go get a foretaste.
PoPoL wishes you an "appetizing reading" ;-)
De Panne (BE)
11 november, 2010
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Practical advice on your holiday to France
Estaminet "La Péniche"
cultural restaurant in a converted barge,
62340 Guînes
Restaurant "Le Grand Air"
spectacular location on the Mont de Fiennes, with panoramic view over Calais and the English Channel,
62132 Fiennes
Restaurant "Gare des Années Folles"
theme-restaurant in an old railway station,
62840 Sailly sur la Lys
Estaminet "L' Hazewinde"
Flemish restaurant,
regional specialties,
59114 Saint Sylvestre-Cappel
Brasserie "L' Ocean"
situated on the seafront,
62152 Hardelot-Plage
Fish Soup "Pérard"
fishmongers, restaurant, oyster bar in the fashionable Paris-Plage,
62520 Le Touquet
Brasserie "Le Chatillon"
Port restaurant,
fish specialties,
62200 Boulogne Sur Mer
Hotel- Restaurant
"Le Fontainebleau"
regional specialties,
62610 Ardres
Fast Food Resto's
Buffalo Gril (recommended)
Flunch, Pizza Paï,
McDonalds, Quick
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